To check the workload statistics for all the R/3 System, go to transaction STAD.
Why data was not showing in ST03?
Last one month I face this problem when I am taking full system o/s backup of production server stopping all the oracle automatic serveice with SAPOSCOL & SAPPRD_00 , STOP SAPMMC. When backup was completed, I started all the service. However, after some time data was not showing in ST03. When I stop & start this sap services SAPOSCOL & SAPPRD_00, then data will start showing for some time but after 2 day same problme comes again.
All sap pjobs are running well. What could be the problem in SAP.
Details of server:
O/S : Windows 2003
SAP : 4.7 EE
Oracle : 9i
1. Ensure that the job COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFORMANCEMONITOR executes the report RSCOLL00 hourly. Furthermore, the report RSSTAT80 should be executed every hour. You achieve this by maintaining the table TCOLL with transaction SM31. Enter “X” in every hour for the report RSSTAT80 (column “Time of day”).
2. The report RSSTAT80 should be executed every hour. You achieve this by maintaining the table TCOLL with transaction SM31. Enter “X” in every hour for the report RSSTAT80 (column “Time of day”). You should then increase the maximum number of statistics records read in each run of RSSTAT80. You can set this value with transaction ST03, Goto -> Parameters -> Performance database. Press “Modify parameters” and enter at least 10,000 for the value “Max. number of records cumulated per call”. You must then save the settings.
3. Using transaction ST03, Goto -> Parameters -> Performance database, pushbutton “Modify parameters”, increase the value of “Max. number of records cumulated per call” to at least 10,000 and save the change. If this or a larger value is already set, please proceed as in point 2.